Our Services

In the intricate ecosystem of your home, the plumbing system plays a vital role, unseen but unarguably essential. It’s the lifeline of your home, delivering life-giving water to every corner. Hiring professionals like Songer's Plumbing ensures your home's plumbing runs smoothly, with the ripple effects extending from the cleanliness of your water to the comfort of your living space.

Water System Installation

We offer water filtration system installations, ensuring your taps run clean and safe. Our hot water tank installations guarantee a steady supply of comfort, while our water pump installations make sure that water flows, rain or shine.

Heating System Installation

Don't let the cold creep into your home. Our boiler installations keep you warm and comfortable, making your home a cozy refuge against the harsh Ontario winters. Note that while we install boilers, we do not cover the gas part.

Plumbing Maintenance and Repairs

Maintaining the health of your plumbing is our specialty. Our services range from fixing leaks to overhauling entire systems. Our plumbing wrappings further protect your pipes, extending their lifespan and reducing the chances of unexpected problems.

Sewage System Services

We handle the less glamorous aspects of plumbing with efficiency and cleanliness. Our sewage pump installations take care of your waste disposal needs, ensuring that you and your home’s surroundings stay clean and hygienic.

Specialized Services

There's more to plumbing than pipes and water. We provide UV light changes to maintain the effectiveness of your water filtration systems, ensuring your water stays as pure as nature intended.

Riding the Wave of Trust

Choosing Songer's Plumbing means sailing smooth waters. With 15 years in the business, we bring experience and expertise to your doorstep. Our range of services ensures all your plumbing needs are met under one roof, making us the one-stop solution for your plumbing needs.

In need of plumbing services? Turn the tide with Songer's Plumbing.

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